📚 Basic Information

Lecture Time/Location

  • Tuesday/Thursday, 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m., RLP 0.112

Office Hours

  • Instructor: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - Noon, GDC 5.824
  • TA: Monday, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., GDC 1.302 (Desk 2)
  • TA: Friday, 11:00 a.m. - Noon, GDC 1.302 (Desk 2)

📝 Submission and Communication

  • Assignments and Late Policy: All assignments are submitted via Canvas. A total of 4 late days are allowed. A late day extends the deadline 24 hours. After the 4 late days are used up, a penalty of 10% is applied to the grade for each additional late day.

  • Course Communication: We use Ed Discussion for course-related communication.

🛡️ Sharing of Course Materials and Academic Integrity

  • Sharing of course materials is prohibited: No materials used in this class may be shared online or with anyone without the instructor’s written permission. Students are also prohibited from sharing their solutions to the course labs with anyone, even after completing the course. Unauthorized sharing of materials will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students.

  • Plagiarism is prohibited: Students should not show or share their solutions to the course labes with anyone. Students need to use a private repository for their code. Both the plagiarized assignment and the original assignment it was copied from will receive a grade of zero. Any instance of plagiarism will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students.

📊 Grading Breakdown and Cutoffs

Assessment % of Grade
In-class quiz 1 7%
In-class quiz 2 7%
Midterm exam 25%
Final exam 30%
Lab 0 1%
Lab 1 10%
Lab 2 10%
Lab 3 10%
Grade Cutoff
A 94%
A- 90%
B+ 87%
B 84%
B- 80%
C+ 77%
C 74%
C- 70%
D+ 67%
D 64%
D- 60%
F <60%